Friday, June 29, 2007

The Jade Dragon Verse of Using Acupuncture (Yu Long Fu)

The Jade Dragon Verse of Using Acupuncture (known as Yu Long Fu in Chinese) uses 'jade dragon' in its name to indicate its value. This verse summarizes the experience of how to choose the most effective acupuncture points (acupoints) for 84 diseases. Totally 102 acupoints are used. This verse emphasizes on the coordination of exterior and interior meridians. It uses many extra acupoints that are outside regular meridians. This verse is one of the most popular acupuncture verses. It was said to be originated from Dr. Bian Que, the 'miraculous doctor' in Chinese history. This verse has been reprinted for hundreds of years and has become one of the must-learn verses in Chinese medicine education in China. It was included in the well-known Chinese medicine classic, Compendium of Acupuncture and Moxibustion (Zhen Jiu Da Cheng) by Jizhou Yang in the Ming Dynasty (1601). This English version of the verse is available at

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